
Objective 1. To support e-IRG and its governing structures with secretarial services,

  • by operating the e-IRG Secretariat, providing secretarial support to the e-IRG Chair and Executive Board and assisting e-IRG and its delegates overall;
  • by organising the e-IRG events, workshops and delegates meetings to facilitate the information and knowledge exchange between delegates and expert stakeholders of the e-Infrastructure and RIs area, including GÉANT, EOSC, EuroHPC, ESFRI and ERA-related groups.

Objective 2. To support e-IRG in the development of its policy papers towards contributing to the implementation and better coordination of e-Infrastructures and related services in Europe, within and across MS/ACs, including GÉANT, EOSC and EuroHPC, as well as between thematic (vertical) and the generic (horizontal) e-Infrastructures, towards the realisation of the e-Infrastructure Commons

  • by offering an independent view on the implementation of relevant EU policies by collecting and aggregating views from the relevant stakeholders and experts, in particular via the ones invited to the e-IRG workshops as speakers and via the national e-IRG delegations and their national experts; in this way the e-IRG analytical capacity will be strengthened, involving directly inputs and view into the e-IRG publications;
  • by supporting all e-IRG Working Groups and Task Forces and its policy outputs, towards the European e-Infrastructure Commons and beyond;
  • by providing inputs to e-IRG policy documents related to EOSC and beyond, as well as other policy and Commission documents

Objective 3. To develop and implement the e-IRG communications and liaison strategy to disseminate the e-IRG and e-IRGSP7 results to the European Research Area in-line with Open Science principles

  • by developing the e-IRG communications and liaison strategy for the next period
  • by liaising with e-IRG’s relevant stakeholders, including GÉANT, EOSC, EuroHPC, ESFRI and other ERA-related ones, fostering the cooperation between European research communities and e-Infrastructures. In particular, supporting e-IRG to liaise with ESFRI will jointly underpin the interworking of e-Infrastructures with the ESFRI thematic clusters. Via the different liaisons, the support project will also facilitate the assimilation of e-IRG expertise to other bodies.
  • by communicating e-IRG’s output to key e-Infrastructure and Research Infrastructure stakeholders
  • by maintaining e-IRG’s social media channels and operating the external and internal e-IRG web presence.

flag-eu e-IRGSP7 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Programme call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05, Grant Agreement number 101057802.