News: e-IRGSP7 at EOSC Symposium 2022

e-IRGSP7 participation at the EOSC Symposium 2022 in Prague

From 14-17 November the EOSC Symposium 2022 took place in Prague as a hybrid event. The e-IRG Support Project e-IRGSP7 was active in several sessions and meetings organised that week as part of the dense EOSC Symposium programme, with three of its members, Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts, Jan Wiebelitz, University of Hannover and Bernd Saurugger, Technical University of Vienna, including the following:

  1. The “Main achievements of the EOSC tripartite collaboration and plans for 2023” plenary session on 15 November, where all EOSC-related projects were shortly presented as part of EOSC-A Secretary General Ute Gunseheimer’s slot. e-IRGSP7 was presented by Jan Wiebelitz.
  2. The “Engagement of research communities and service providers in EOSC” session also on 15 November, during which a preview of the upcoming e-IRG White Paper 2022 was presented. The e-IRG White Paper 2022 is about the coordination and cooperation among European e-Infrastructures. Fotis Karayannis, e-IRGSP7 project director, gave a short speech providing some key points from the White Paper analysis of the input on a related questionnaire prepared by e-IRG and answered by a subset of e-Infrastructures. The main outcome of the discussion was that EOSC case studies, use cases and user friendly integrated services should be developed or further improved so that the EOSC end users can really benefit from them and get added value from using EOSC services and data. Fotis Karayannis stressed the need for cooperation and coordination among EU e-Infrastructure providers for such a benefit of the users, who want to focus on their research rather on the tools and infrastructures that enable their research.
  3. The “Horizon Europe 2021-2022 projects: get together closed session & reception” where e-IRGSP7 was represented by all three e-IRGSP7 members.

The full streaming of the EOSC Symposium plenaries along with some more material is available at EOSC Symposium 2022 (



e-IRGSP7 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Programme call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05, Grant Agreement number 101057802.