e-IRG Roadmap 2016 – in consultation
- The way foreward
- an emphatic co-operation among all main stakeholders is required
- a formal coordination platform among all stakeholders
- balance between operation of services and development of innovative ones, and sustainability of the services
- A common or interoperable identity scheme for all e-Infrastructure providers should be developed, compatible with eduGain and possibly other schemes such as the e-Government IDs (e-IDs).
- User communities
- Drive the long term strategy for their e-Infrastructure needs.
- Participate in the innovation of e-Infrastructure services.
- Contribute to standards and take care of your data!
- National governments/funding agencies
- The e-IRG recommends strongly, that e-infrastructure coordination and consolidation on the national level is embraced in full force in every European country. A strong European e-infrastructure is dependent on strong national building blocks.
- European Commission
- e-IRG recommends that in future Work Programmes the EC provides strong incentives for cross platform innovations, thereby further supporting the need for coordination and consolidation of e-infrastructure service development and provisioning on the national and the European level.
- The Overarching Working Group e-IRG (OAWG) considers the inclusion of e-Needs questions in the ESFRI very useful: they provide insight in the importance of e-infrastructure provisioning for European RIs and in particular the data management aspects. This process should be continued in the next ESFRI Roadmap exercise.
- In many (European) RIs e-infrastructure requirements and in particular deploying data policies and data management activities have profound impact and could therefore also be valued as implementation issues.
- The e-Needs questions need improvement: clearer, less ambiguous formulations targeting at what we want to see included in the responses, with reference to templates where relevant, such as a template for data policy and a data management plan.
- It would also help if there could be a common understanding of what is meant with rating a response ‘low’, ‘medium’, ‘high’ or very high’.
- In general the level of quantification of e-infrastructure requirements was less detailed than the OAWG had expected. While quantification of e-infrastructure requirements is not a goal in itself, it does elicit an awareness of the size of the ambitions, that need to be managed in your RI.
- In summary, we propose that e-IRG should work together with ESFRI to improve the e-Needs section and the assessment process also for the next roadmap, integrating the e-Needs issues even firmer in the procedure. We believe it is beneficial to e-IRG, ESFRI and the infrastructure projects that e-IRG takes part in this process. It increases our common understanding of the needs and issues of a large group of European e-i
- Policies
- Funders and institutions should define their policies;
- Open licenses to be privileged;
- Encourage certification of repositories;
- Scientists/institutions: Show data as scientific/institutional/societal asset;
- Link data to publications (generic or disciplinary endeavor).
- Incentives
- Funders and institutions should publish and disseminate their policies;
- Gather success stories (institutions/RDA Group);
- Show researchers how easy and beneficial it is to deposit data;
- Show problems of irreproducibility, double research and innovation loss.
- “Technical building blocks” for improving access to and usage of datasets
- Push standards and technologies across disciplines;
- Persistent identifiers for data, institutions, people e.g. DataCite-DOIs, ORCID;
- Discoverability: increase discoverability in diverse repositories;
- Dataset and repository registries;
- Link data to publication;
- Discovery layer – landing page.
- More generally, policy actions should be adapted to the characteristics of Long Tail data and of their producers and users. More work is needed to understand how different building blocks can intervene to build an operational, relevant ecosystem. Some of the recommendations could be suggestions for the RDA Interest Group or other existing or possible RDA Groups.
Best Practices for the use of e-Infrastructures by large-scale research infrastructures, February 2015
- Best Practices for the use of e-Infrastructures by large-scale research infrastructures.
- Define a data management policy;
- Define a data management plan if appropriate to your RI;
- Ensure that data formats are standardised and contain sufficient information on the data (metadata);
- Define e-Infrastructure solutions consisting of multiple layers, successively adding more specialised higher-level services using standardised interfaces;
- Define and successively move towards a common data storage layer which can effectively serve requirements coming from different RIs. Also here, standardised interfaces and federative approaches should be used to include existing solutions;
- Adopt a global, standardised lowest-level data infrastructure, including e.g. authorisation and authentication and persistent data identifiers; Ensure that quality of the e-Infrastructure services and the data security is delivered at a level which is relevant for the data at hand;
- Pay attention to the sustainability of your data, also after the end of the project.
A Summary Report of the Recommendations drawn from the Blue Paper on Data Management.
- As a fundament for RIs, sustainable e-Infrastructure services for enabling access to, storing, preserving and curating large amounts of data need to be in place. Policy makers are recommended to take action to ensure that
- Roles (e.g. end users, data owners, infrastructure providers, service providers, and researchers on data management) are identified and, when appropriate, partitioned between different actors to ensure effective and cost-efficient solutions, fulfilling the needs of the end users and data owners.
- Governance and mandates for different actors are clarified and their way of interacting is sufficiently formalised. Actors specializing on different tasks ensures that synergies can be exploited, leading to cost-efficient implementation of services. Clear responsibilities and formalised relations ensure that the relevant quality of services can be maintained. Funding paths are defined and sustainability for all parts of the e-Infrastructure is secured.
- Costs for different services and procedures are made transparent and that different options for implementing them are investigated.
- Also, to ensure that data will be available across borders and disciplinary domains, RIs and e-infrastructure providers are recommended to take appropriate steps to
- Ensure that data formats are standardised and contain sufficient information on the data (metadata) to enable global usage within the discipline, across disciplines, and in new research settings that could possibly not be envisaged at the time of creation of the data.
- Build e-infrastructure solutions consisting of multiple layers, successively adding more specialised higher-level services using standardised interfaces. Here, different layers can be provided by different actors.
- Adopt a global, standardised lowest-level data infrastructure layer, including e.g. authorisation and authentication and persistent data identifiers. Here, federative approaches could be used to include existing solutions.
- Define and successively move towards a common second-level data storage layer where cross-related requirements between different RIs are identified and utilised to enhance cost-efficiency and quality. Also here, standardised interfaces and federative approaches should be used to include existing solutions.
- Ensure that quality of the e-infrastructure services and the data security is delivered at a level which is relevant for the data at hand.
- International user communities requiring e-Infrastructure services should organize themselves to be able to address the challenges in their future roles:
- Driving the long term strategy for their e-Infrastructure needs
- Using their purchasing power to stimulate the development of suitable, effective e-Infrastructure services;
- Participating in the innovation of e-Infrastructure services;
- Contributing to standards.
- International organizations of e-Infrastructures should join forces and share their common challenges towards serving the European user communities, thereby avoiding duplication of efforts (as far as possible) in such areas as:
- Outreach to and involvement of user communities;
- Services registry, discovery and provisioning;
- Financial, legal, business development and procurement issues
- These organisations should establish a clear separation between responsibilities for strategy setting and community building, operations, and innovation. Working with the user communities, they should strive to establish the e-Infrastructure umbrella forum for strategy setting in Europe, with sufficient user participation for community building, high-level strategy and coordination for the entire e-Infrastructure, with -again- a clear separation from operational responsibilities.
- National governments should:
- Provide a basic funding level for their national e-Infrastructure, in particular devoted to its continuous innovation;
- Empower and fund their national user communities for the use of e-Infrastructure services, enabling them to influence the development of the national e-Infrastructure;
- Remove existing national regulatory or political constraints for accessing publicly funded e-Infrastructures for private research and public-private research ventures;
- Provide input for the strategy setting and coordination bodies for their national e-Infrastructures;
- Encourage the actors in their national e-Infrastructures to collaborate and join forces with their counterparts in other countries and at EU level, along the lines described above.
- The EU should strengthen the actions of the national governments by:
- Establishing a European harmonised framework for the funding of e-Infrastructure innovation;
- Encouraging a sustainable e-Infrastructure offering in Europe through innovation programs such as Horizon 2020, using conditions designed to encourage multiple innovation efforts by different consortia;
- Empowering and funding European user communities, such as the ESFRI projects, to influence the development and use of transnational access to the e-Infrastructure;
- Enabling and promoting the use of Structural Funds for e-Infrastructure development in less favoured areas;
- Providing input for the European strategy setting and coordination bodies and their umbrella forum;
- Striving towards harmonisation so that regulatory conflicts can be avoided, both at the national and at the international level, with existing regulations for (among others) state aid or competition rules;
- Providing clear guidelines for ‘regulation proof’ participation of private research in the use of e-Infrastructure services.
- Existing e-Infrastructure Service Providers will have to face the continuous challenge of service development and operation, funded through public schemes in the early and precompetitive phases, and through user fees thereafter.
- All recommendations from 2003-2011 in a single file. [
e-IRG recommendations overview]
- Recommendation 1/7 – e-Infrastructure governance: From management and international aspects, to legal and financial issues
- Recommendation 2/7 – Future of research networking
- Recommendation 3/7 – Authentication, authorisation and accounting
- Recommendation 4/7 – Energy and Green IT
- Recommendation 5/7 – Exascale computing and related software
- Recommendation 6/7 – e-Infrastructure services
- Recommendation 7/7 – Data infrastructures
- Recommendation 1/7 – Networking
- Recommendation 2/7 – Authentication, Authorisation and Accounting
- Recommendation 3/7 – Grid, Cloud and Virtualisation
- Recommendation 4/7 – High Performance Computing
- Recommendation 5/7 – Remote Access and Remote Instrumentation
- Recommendation 6/7 – Data infrastructures and persistent storage
- Recommendation 7/7 – Virtual Research Communities and collaboration
- Recommendation 1/9 – Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
- Recommendation 2/9 – Commodity computing
- Recommendation 3/9 – Standards and interoperability
- Recommendation 4/9 – High Performance Computing
- Recommendation 5/9 – Sustainable data management infrastructure
- Recommendation 6/9 – Networking
- Recommendation 7/9 – Commercial uptake
- Recommendation 8/9 – New user communities
- Recommendation 9/9 – International collaboration
- Recommendation 1/7 – Global Collaboration
- Recommendation 2/7 – Education and Training in the Use of e-Infrastructure
- Recommendation 3/7 – Grid and Cloud Computing
- Recommendation 4/7 – Security: A “Holistic” Approach
- Recommendation 5/7 – Service-centric e-Infrastructures through virtualisation
- Recommendation 6/7 – Remote Instrumentation
- Recommendation 7/7 – Sustainability of the computing-related e-Infrastructure
e-IRG Education and training task force report
- Recommendation 1/6 – Recommendations as to the level of investment necessary in Member States in order to provide education in the use of e-Infrastructure.
- Recommendation 2/6 – Recommendations to align the development of distributed-computation knowledge and skills.
- Recommendation 3/6 – Recommendations as to the harmonisation of education in the use of e-Infrastructure.
- Recommendation 4/6 – Propose standards for student and teacher identification that would enable access to educational grid facilities and authorization/management of the resources used.
- Recommendation 5/6 – Propose standards for sharing training material and t-Infrastructure between institutions.
- Recommendation 6/6 – Establish a system for agreeing standards that accredit workers who design, build, operate and support e-Infrastructure so that qualifications are recognised across the ERA.
e-IRG recommendations & decisions, Finnish Presidency
- Recommendation 1/6 – Authentication and Authorisation (AA)
- Recommendation 2/6 – Usage policies
- Recommendation 3/6 – Education and Training
- Recommendation 4/6 – Grid economy – Allocation and accounting
- Recommendation 5/6 – HPC in Europe Task Force (HET)
- Recommendation 6/6 – Supercomputing
e-IRG Task Force on Sustainable e-Infrastructures
- Recommendation 1/5 – Governments and the Commission should develop policies and mechanisms to encourage increased investment in a more coherent and interoperable way across Europe
- Recommendation 2/5 – The existing e-Infrastructure projects must be superseded by integrated sustainable services at national and European levels
- Recommendation 3/5 – e-Infrastructures must be application-neutral and open to all user communities and resource providers. National funding agencies should be encouraged to fund multi-disciplinary and inclusive infrastructures rather than disciplinary-specific alternatives
- Recommendation 4/5 – e-Infrastructures must inter-operate and adopt international standard services and protocols in order to qualify for funding
- Recommendation 5/5 – The Commission should, within the seventh Framework Programme, develop a pan-European e-Infrastructure which explicitly encourages the further integration of national e- Infrastructure initiatives
e-IRG White Paper, Luxembourg, 2005
- Recommendation 1/9 – Towards National Grid Initiatives
- Recommendation 2/9 – Authentication, Authorization, Accounting policies
- Recommendation 3/9 – Legal issues in e-Infrastructures
- Recommendation 4/9 – Network developments & grid requirements
- Recommendation 5/9 – User Support policies
- Recommendation 6/9 – Towards a European Federated Middleware Institute
- Recommendation 6/9 – Usage policies
- Recommendation 8/9 – Storage and data service
- Recommendation 9/9 -Grid and Industry in the context of the European Research Programmes
e-IRG White Paper, Den Haag, 2004
- Recommendation 1/5 – Authorization
- Recommendation 2/5 – Usage Policy
- Recommendation 3/5 – A forum dedicated to the coordination and exchange of technology and policy for disciplinary Grids
- Recommendation 4/5 – Network requirements
- Recommendation 5/5 – European infrastructures
e-IRG White Paper, Dublin, 2004
- Recommendation 1/2 – Authentication policy development
- Recommendation 2/2 – Authorization policy development
e-IRG Workshop report, Athens 2004
- Recommendation 1/18 – The European Research Area should clearly be seen to embrace Innovation – articulated in the context of this meeting through the name European Research and Innovation Area (ERIA)
- Recommendation 2/18 – The strong level of interest in the meeting indicates how e-Infrastructures are vital for the attainment of the vision of eEurope and ERA.
- Recommendation 3/18 – It is clear that many countries are joining together into regions and this was presented as a powerful tool for cooperation. An EU-wide infrastructure could grow from these regions.
- Recommendation 4/18 – e-Infrastructures will only succeed if we solve end-to-end issues at the technical, infrastructural, methodological and social/human levels.
- Recommendation 5/18 – GEANT is a major achievement and may show the way forward in terms of building production Grids and a real eInfrastructure throughout Europe.
- Recommendation 6/18 – Solving the challenges of authorisation, authentication and accounting are key challenges for all Grid projects – this is a major hurdle in the context of building an e-Infrastructure for Europe.
- Recommendation 7/18 – The trust model has to be developed further in order to share not just bandwidth but also computing resources. Grids must take the lead in helping with this process.
- Recommendation 8/18 – The next steps for the Grid must be to move to reliable, resilient, and robust production quality middleware.
- Recommendation 9/18 – We should continue to focus on Open Standards and avoid any vendor lock-in.
- Recommendation 10/18 – The idea of an Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute for Europe was broadly supported – the rationale behind this being to create the next generation of production quality software from the developments that have taken place to date.
- Recommendation 11/18 – Key to the general uptake of Grids and the creation of a real e-Infrastructure for Europe will be the transition from e-Science -> e-Business -> e-Society
- Recommendation 12/18 – We must identify the next generation of applications – the so called “killer apps” – and improve our promotion of the benefits that e-Infrastructures will bring to their user communities.
- Recommendation 13/18 – To build e-Infrastructures we need to focus on middleware interoperability and the accompanying policy decisions required to make our software and operating paradigms interoperable in a global context.
- Recommendation 14/18 – Policy issues – particularly in a local context need to be addressed. Only by addressing the intricacies of local policy issues will be able to make local resources available in Grids.
- Recommendation 15/18 – We will build e-Infrastructures by focusing on policy issues related to resource sharing in the context of the European Research Area. Such discussions must take place at an intergovernmental level.
- Recommendation 16/18 – The overall recommendation from this meeting is that an e-Infrastructures Reflection Group, built from National Programme representatives, should be established and perhaps advise the Governmental representatives who sit in existing committees.
- Recommendation 17/18 – The e-Infrastructures Reflection Group should consider and communicate clear messages on e-Infrastructure Policy issues to both the European Commission and existing e-Infrastructure projects on policy matters
- Recommendation 18/18 – A troika of the current presidency of the EU (Greek) and the two following ones (Italy and Ireland) should discuss further what needs to be achieved with regard to moving this debate forward.
White Papers
e-IRG initiated the White Paper 2014 as a document that provides advice, best practices and recommendations to the proposers for the next ESFRI Roadmap on questions related to e-Infrastructure needs. When working with the document, e-IRG has recognised that the document is not fully in line with the well-established e-IRG White Paper series of visionary documents. Also, e-IRG recognised that a new series of Guideline Documents is needed, and has therefore decided to rename the White Paper 2014 to “e-IRG Guidelines Document – Best practices for the use of e-Infrastructures by large-scale research infrastructures“.
pdf file of this e-IRG Guideline document [ e-IRG Guideline Document]
The e-IRG White Paper 2013 addresses integration of services for research communities and interoperability and coordination of e-Infrastructures. Follow-up aspects are Open Science, data management, big data, cloud computing and legal issues that arise from the commercial use of e-Infrastructures.
pdf file of this document [ e-IRG White Paper_2013 ]
Please find below also the long version and the comments received during the public consultation.
The long version of the e-IRG White Paper 2013. [ e-IRG White Paper long version ]
The long draft version e-IRG White Paper during public consultation. [ e-IRG White Paper public consultation ]
Comments on White Paper during public consultation. [ e-IRG White Paper comments ]
pdf file of this document [ e-IRG White Paper 2011 ]
comments on the draft White Paper during public consultation [ comments ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
pdf file of this document [ pdf]
pdf file of this document [ e-IRG Roadmap 2016 ]
pdf file of this document [ e-IRG Roadmap 2012 ] (Final version endorsed by the e-IRG delegates, 5 December 2012)
pdf file of this document [ e-IRG Roadmap 2010 ] (Final version endorsed by the e-IRG delegates, 23 March 2010).
Comments to the e-IRG Roadmap made during the public consultation phase.
pdf file of this document [ e-Infrastructures Roadmap Update (2007) ]
pdf file of this document [ e-Infrastructures Roadmap (2005/2006) ]
As part of the process towards the Roadmap e-IRG published in 2005 an Opportunities List highlighting the most urgent actions to be taken to establish a European Science Grid environment.
pdf file of this document [ Opportunities List (2005) ]
Task Force Reports
The focus of the National Nodes document is to analyse how the complex landscape of generic and discipline-specific e-Infrastructures is built today and to provide recommendations on how it can be further developed to fulfil the expectations on the future collaborative European e-Infrastructure system. e-IRG advocates an interoperable, federated ecosystem of domain-specific, vertical Research Infrastructures and generic, horizontal e-Infrastructures at national level in first instance, which will facilitate their federation at European level, such as in the form of the European Open Science Cloud. As such, this e-IRG policy document addresses the role of the national nodes – including their coordination with the thematic ones – in the implementation of the e-Infrastructure Commons and its instantiation as the European Open Science Cloud.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
The objective of this e-IRG document is to provide an initial framework for evaluation and assessment of regional, national and European e-Infrastructures and to develop a categorisation of KPIs for key areas/components and other cost-related information, basically for the funder and policy level.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
This document focuses on the Long Tail of scientific data, its sustained management and storage. Its characteristics are discussed, and it is shown that the distinction between the Long Tail and Big Data is somehow blurred. Long tail data management should sustain trust in data and repositories, with as keywords data quality, certification of repositories, appraisal, documentation, discoverability and interoperability.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
In the preparation for the update of its Roadmap ESFRI has decided in 2013 to incorporate questions on e-infrastructure needs in the ESFRI proposal submission form. It was also agreed between ESFRI and e-IRG that e-IRG members would participate in the ESFRI Strategic Working groups and be responsible for the evaluation of the responses to these ‘e-Needs’ questions. Another e-IRG member participated in the Implementation Group. This short report presents the collective experiences with this evaluation process and some recommendations for improvement.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
pdf file of this document [ pdf ] (published on 22nd of October 2013)
pdf file of this document [ pdf ] (published on 25th of September 2012)
pdf file of this document [ pdf ] (published on 25th of September 2012)
In this proposal for a new e-IRG Strategy, the e-IRG’s objectives will be adapted along the following
two main lines. To establish e-IRG as the main advisory body on e-Infrastructures internationally and to develop e-IRG as the coordination platform for all components of European e-Infrastructures.
The e-IRG delegates recognised the importance of data management for the future of research infrastructures and, as a result, established the e-IRG Data Management Task Force (DMTF) that received recognition and support also from ESFRI. The main objectives of DMTF were defined as producing an analysis of issues regarding data management in a coherent and flexible way, and a set of recommendations for the present and future research infrastructures. The report is divided into three parts: a survey of existing data management initiatives, metadata and quality, and interoperability issues in data management.
pdf file of this document [ pdf ] (published on 16th of December 2009)
The Education and Training Task Force report proposes strategic actions to establish, promote and resource the Grid and e-Science curricula in Europe. The ETTF report has been a major European effort and has already been noted on the international level, e.g. in the Open Grid Forum (OGF).
pdf file of this document [ pdf ] (published on 8th of July 2008)
The overall vision of this document:
“The linking of individual computers into increasingly complex networks has been
transforming the scientific enterprise for several decades. Networking has affected every aspect of research, including data gathering, sharing of large databases, brute-force computing, modelling and simulation, and publishing of preprints and papers.”
pdf file of this document [ report | cover letter ] (published on 28th of April 2006)
Blue Papers
The Blue Paper identifies the most important areas of data management addressing following topics: Data e-Infrastructure, Reliability and Replications, Metadata, Unified Access and interoperability, Security.
Summary of Policy Recommendations Drawn from the e-IRG Blue Paper on Data Management 2013 [pdf] (published in 2014)
pdf file of this document [pdf]. (published on 30th of October 2012)
In October 2009 ESFRI invited the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) to produce a report, or “Blue Paper”, on e-Infrastructure services, enabling more efficient e-Infrastructure support for the science that is done by the ESFRI projects. This Blue Paper was delivered to ESFRI at the end of June 2010, and endorsed by the ESFRI plenum at the ESFRI delegates meeting, on Friday 24 October 2010.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
- 2017 – Estonia workshop (3-4 October 2017) [pdf – soon available]
- 2017 – Malta workshop (8-9 June 2017) [pdf]
- 2016 – Bratislava workshop (15-16 November 2016) [pdf]
- 2016 – Amsterdam workshop (9 March 2016) [pdf]
- 2015 – Luxembourg workshop (24-25 November 2015) [pdf]
- 2015 – Riga workshop (3 June 2015) [pdf]
- 2014 – Rome workshop (10-11 November) [pdf]
- 2014 – Athens workshop (9-10 June) [pdf]
- 2013 – Vilnius workshop (4-5 November) [pdf]
- 2013 – Dublin workshop (22-23 May) [ pdf ]
- 2012 – Amsterdam workshop (3-4 December) [pdf ]
- 2012 – Copenhagen workshop (11-12 June) [ pdf ]
- 2011 – Poznan workshop (12-13 October) [ pdf]
- 2011 – Budapest workshop (4-5 April) [ pdf]
- 2010 – Madrid workshop (17 June) [ pdf]
- 2009 – Uppsala workshop (14-15 October)[ pdf]
- 2009 – Prague workshop (14-15 May) [ pdf]
- 2008 – Paris workshop [pdf]
- 2008 – Zürich workshop [pdf]
- 2007 – Heidelberg workshop [pdf] [pdf]
- 2006 – Keilaniemi (Espoo) workshop [ pdf]
Workshop Reports
2021 – Portuguese workshop (1-2 December 2021) [pdf – soon available]
2020 – German workshop (1-2 December 2020) [pdf – soon available]
2020 – Croatia workshop (25-26 May 2020) [in e-IRG magazine 2020-2]
2019 – Finnish workshop (4-5 Dec 2019) [in e-IRG magazine 2020-2]
2019 – Romanian workshop held in Switzerland (20-21 May 2019) [in e-IRG magazine 2020-1]
2018 – Austria workshop (20-21 November 2018) [in e-IRG magazine 2019-2]
2018 – Bulgarian workshop (14-15 May 2018) [in e-IRG magazine 2018-2]
2017 – Estonia workshop (3-4 October 2017) [in e-IRG magazine 2018-1]
2017 – Malta workshop (8-9 June 2017) [pdf]
2016 – Bratislava workshop (15-16 November 2016) [pdf]
2016 – Amsterdam workshop (9 March 2016) [pdf]
2015 – Luxembourg workshop (24-25 November 2015) [pdf]
2015 – Riga workshop (3 June 2015) [pdf]
2014 – Rome workshop (10-11 November) [pdf]
2014 – Athens workshop (9-10 June) [pdf]
2013 – Vilnius workshop (4-5 November) [pdf]
2013 – Dublin workshop (22-23 May) [ pdf ]
2012 – Amsterdam workshop (3-4 December) [pdf ]
2012 – Copenhagen workshop (11-12 June) [ pdf ]
2011 – Poznan workshop (12-13 October) [ pdf]
2011 – Budapest workshop (4-5 April) [ pdf]
2010 – Madrid workshop (17 June) [ pdf]
2009 – Uppsala workshop (14-15 October)[ pdf]
2009 – Prague workshop (14-15 May) [ pdf]
2008 – Paris workshop [pdf]
2008 – Zürich workshop [pdf]
2006 – Keilaniemi (Espoo) workshop [ pdf]
Other Policy Documents
In this document from September 14, 2018, the e-IRG states that the current development towards the establishment of a Joint Undertaking to develop and procure the next generation of HPC infrastructure and related services in Europe is of great importance for the overall structure of the common e-Infrastructure landscape in the coming years. In line with this e-IRG is concerned about the impact the establishment of the EuroHPC JU can have on the common e-Infrastructure landscape in Europe and the mechanisms by which it will be integrated with existing European e-Infrastructures.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
In this document from March 27, 2018, the e-IRG states that the concept of the European Open Science Cloud is an instantiation of the e-Infrastructure Commons as proposed by e-IRG in its 2013 White Paper and 2016 Roadmap, also adding more clearly the aspects of Open Science. In the long run e-IRG believes that strong horizontal infrastructures will serve the ultimate goal of the EOSC.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
In the preparation for the update of its Roadmap ESFRI has decided in 2013 to incorporate questions on e-infrastructure needs in the ESFRI proposal submission form. It was also agreed between ESFRI and e-IRG that e-IRG members would participate in the ESFRI Strategic Working groups and be responsible for the evaluation of the responses to these ‘e-Needs’ questions. Another e-IRG member participated in the Implementation Group. This short report presents the collective experiences with this evaluation process and some recommendations for improvement.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
The GÉANT Expert Group (GEG) was established by the European Commission in December 2010, with the mandate to articulate a 2020 vision for European Research and Education networking and identify an action plan for realising this vision. On October 4, 2011 the GEG presented its vision and recommendations in its Report ‘Knowledge without Borders: GÉANT 2020 as the European Communications Commons’.
With this paper, e-IRG provides its response to the findings and recommendations of the GEG-report. e-IRG welcomes the report, recognizes the analyses, and widely supports the recommendations.
The paper starts by presenting a brief summary of the main strategic aims of the GEG-report. It then discusses the issues that are seen as the most important from the point of view of e-IRG in relation to its mission, scope, policies and recommendations in its various Roadmaps and White Papers. It formulates questions and issues that the GEG report raises as well as an opinion from e-IRG on each of these questions and issues. It does not pretend to be complete as regards the issues raised by the GEG report, but concentrates on matters in which e-IRG can provide relevant input.
pdf file of this document [ pdf ]
In this survey we describe the essential role of the e-Infrastructure community for the realisation of the Digital Agenda and the importance of a proper e-Infrastructure governance. Recent e-IRG observations, recommendations and actions issued in White Papers and other e-IRG policy documents are summarized and linked to the seven problem areas recognised in the Digital Agenda. The aim is to provide guidance on the developments and actions required to achieve the goals of the Digital Agenda.
pdf file of this document [pdf]
e-IRG has recognised the demand for documents that provide advice, best practises and recommendations in various areas. The most recent guidance document is titled “Guide to e-Infrastructure requirements for European Research Infrastructures: An e-IRG support document”. This document is intended to help research infrastructures with the process of submitting project proposals for the ESFRI Roadmap 2018.
The document can be downloaded at
e-IRGSP7 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Programme call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05, Grant Agreement number 101057802.