News Items

- 1. March 2024
eIRG Workshop under Belgian EU Presidency
Save the date: 5th June 2024 - The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding presidency of the EU Council. The Belgian EU Presidency e-IRG Workshop will be organised as a hybrid event and will bring together e-IRG stakeholders in Brussels, Belgium, as well as online and worldwide.

EOSC Winter School in Thessaloniki
The EOSC Winter School was conceptualised to enhance collaboration and integration among HE projects. The Winter School focused on providing an in-depth technical understanding of specific opportunity areas and integrating the deliverables of the EOSC-A Task Forces into these projects. This integration ensures continuity and application of the Task Forces’ work. Short-term goals included immediate understanding and feedback; medium-term goals involved planning and support for upcoming projects; and long-term objectives aimed to increase the sustainability of the impact pathways of INFRAEOSC projects. There, Fotis Karagiannis and Michael Maragakis participated, representing the e-IRGSP7 project.

ESFRI-EOSC workshop in Milan
The ESFRI-EOSC Task Force organized a Policy Workshop on "FAIR Data Productivity and Advanced Digitalization" in Milan, Italy, on January 23-24, 2024. The workshop aimed to identify bottlenecks in FAIR data productivity and explore the impact of Artificial Intelligence on research. Discussions revolved around enhancing FAIR data quality and leveraging AI for innovation. Attendees included representatives from ESFRI RIs, the EOSC Steering Board, EC, EOSC Association, and ESFRI SWGs. The workshop was by-invitation only and facilitated in-person attendance. eIRG was represented by Stefan Hanslik (eIRG Chair) and Fotis Karagiannis (e-IRGSP7 project).

- 30. November 2023
eIRG Workshop under Spanish EU Presidency
The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) Workshop, held during the Spanish EU Presidency, brought together stakeholders both in Valencia, Spain, and online, focusing on pivotal themes shaping the European digital landscape. Sessions covered key topics including the role of e-Infrastructures in fostering European unity, skills development in the context of e-Infrastructures, data management, and AI, and the diverse ecosystem of EOSC nodes. Discussions emphasized synergies between e-Infrastructures, thematic Research Infrastructures, and emerging models such as the European Digital Infrastructure Consortium (EDIC), while also addressing the critical need for skilled professionals and the complexities surrounding EOSC node procurement. The workshop provided a platform for stakeholders to exchange insights and perspectives, contributing to ongoing efforts to strengthen European digital infrastructure and collaboration.

- 29. November 2023
First e-Infrastructure Assembly f2f meeting
The e-Infrastructure Assembly was established as a pivotal initiative to foster coordination and collaboration among European e-Infrastructure stakeholders, addressing a longstanding need highlighted by e-IRG's Roadmap 2012 and White Paper 2022. Emerging from a series of strategic meetings and workshops, its inception was driven by the imperative to enhance recognition of e-Infrastructures within initiatives like the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and bridge the gap between e-Infrastructures and Research Infrastructures. Central to its formation was the recognition of e-Infrastructures' generic, domain-agnostic nature, requiring dedicated representation in forums such as the EOSC-ESFRI Task Force. The Assembly's role is pivotal in facilitating closer collaboration between e-IRG, e-Infrastructure providers, and EOSC stakeholders, ensuring stronger connections and mutual benefits for all parties involved. Additionally, e-IRG's inclusive approach, welcoming representatives in its delegates meetings, underscores the Assembly's significance in shaping the future of European e-Infrastructures.

- 7. October 2023
eIRG Workshop under Spanish EU Presidency (29. - 30. Nov)
The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding presidency of the EU Council. The Spanish EU Presidency e-IRG Workshop will be organised as a hybrid event and will bring together e-IRG stakeholders in Valencia, Spain, as well as online and worldwide. The eIRG Workshop under Spanish EU Presidency will address the following topics: a) e-Infrastructures for strengthening European unity b) Skills in the frame of e-Infrastructures c) The diverse ecosystem of EOSC nodes Infos about the programme, speakers and registration:

- 26. September 2023
Tenerife Declaration on “Global Dimension and Sustainability of Research Infrastructures”
During a conference of the Spanish EU Council Presidency, the Tenerife Declaration which advocates promoting an ecosystem of research infrastructures that is better distributed territorially in Europe, was presented. A total of 14 countries have so far signed up to the 'Tenerife Declaration on Global Dimension and Sustainability of Research Infrastructures'. The Declaration calls for ensuring the long-term sustainability of research infrastructures, not only in their construction and design, but also in their governance and funding. The Declaration also calls for the creation of a more balanced and better territorially distributed ecosystem of research infrastructures across Europe, for which it considers it necessary to develop concrete actions at national and European level to better involve smaller EU countries in the infrastructure ecosystem. It also mentions the need and potential to develop research careers with new competences, to enable the digital transition of research infrastructures, including harnessing the potential offered by Artificial Intelligence.

- 20. June 2023
72nd e-IRG Dalegates Meeting
The 72nd e-IRG delegates meeting, under the Swedish presidency, took place on June 20, 2023. The meeting addressed various topics including reports from e-IRG Cafés, meetings with EC DG R&I and DG CNECT, updates from ESFRI, and the e-IRGSP7 support programme. It was decided to extend the e-IRG Executive Board (EB) by one delegate, and a decision was made to review the representation of e-Infrastructures within the e-IRG EB. Further, plans fr the first e-Infrastructure coordination meeting were initiated and e-Infrastructure-related organisations will be invited to a preparatory meeting. Future e-IRG policy papers depend on future funding of the e-IRG support project.

- 15. June 2023
eIRGSP7 Contributes to the Coordination Meeting of EOSC Related HE Projects
The eIRGSP7 project participated in the 2023 Coordination Meeting of European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) related Horizon Europe (HE) projects held on June 15, 2023 in Brussels. It actively contributed to the discussions and information sharing among EOSC key stakeholders. The meeting focused on enhancing collaboration and jointly developing the Marco-Roadmap, which is mapping the project's contribution to the EOSC Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA). The event showcased the commitment of eIRGSP7 and other participants towards strengthening the EOSC initiative and fostering a collaborative research environment.

- 11. May 2023
e-IRG Workshop Session on Coodination between e-Infrastructures
Representatives from various e-Infrastructure-related organizations recently convened at a coordination meeting facilitated by the e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG). The meeting aimed to discuss strategies for enhancing coordination among EU e-Infrastructures, focusing on the benefits for researchers in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and beyond. One of the main points discussed during the meeting was the participation of e-Infrastructure-related organizations at e-IRG meetings. It was suggested, that one observer from e-Infrastructures would be designated as a rotating representative, changing with each EU Presidency, as well as openly included in e-IRG Cafés, fostering continuous engagement and knowledge sharing. Additionally, another observer from EOSC-A, representing the community, would be included to ensure comprehensive representation. Secondly, following the recommendations outlined in the e-IRG White Paper 2022, a lightweight e-Infrastructure assembly, which serves as a coordination mechanism for e-Infrastructures, could be set up. Finally, discussions on the "Future of e-Infrastructures" and the "Coordination" topic will be continued at the upcoming e-IRG Workshop under the Swedish EU Presidency.

- 14. April 2023
e-IRG Café: Codified interaction between the FDO Forum and e-IRG
On 14th April 2023, the e-IRG Café held a discussion on the interaction between the FAIR Digital Object (FDO) Forum and e-IRG, focusing on the integration of fragmented Data Spaces in Europe and globally. The participants highlighted the importance of creating a common abstraction to bring together the vast number of funding programs for data spaces across Europe. The FDOs are considered a basic layer to achieve interoperability and can be used to structure domain knowledge and make it persistent. The FDO Forum has already developed basic specifications and started a second phase, including open workshops to tackle open topics, implementing large-scale testbeds, and demonstrators. The e-IRG Café's discussion provided insights into the potential for integrated Data Spaces to transform AI breakthroughs and bring fragmented Data Spaces together.

- 21. February 2023
e-IRG Café: EOSC after 2027
The e-IRG organized an e-IRG Café event on February 21st, 2023, to discuss the future of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) beyond 2027. The event was attended by e-IRG Delegates, the European Commission, and invited guests from major e-infrastructures initiatives. The Café event provided an opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and insights about the long-term vision for EOSC. Discussions centered around the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and the need for a sustainable and effective digital infrastructure for European research. The participation of major e-infrastructures initiatives as guests was especially significant, as it marked the first time in quite some time that they had been invited to attend an e-IRG Café event. This move was seen as a positive step towards increased collaboration and cooperation between all relevant parties involved in the implementation of EOSC. Overall, the e-IRG Café event was considered a success, providing valuable insights and recommendations for the future development of EOSC.

- 13. February 2023
e-IRG meeting with DG R&I
The e-IRG visited the European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation (DG R&I) on February 13th, 2023, to discuss collaboration with key officers related to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The meeting was attended by the ERA (European Research Area) & Innovation director, Head of Units, and other important stakeholders. During the visit, the e-IRG presented the White Paper 2022: Realisation and enhancement of coordination and collaboration in thee-Infrastructure landscape coveringthe full spectrum of e-Infrastructures (networking, computing, data) and related services. The e-IRG emphasized the importance of collaboration between all relevant parties to ensure that EOSC can provide a sustainable and effective digital infrastructure for European research. The visit was seen as a positive step towards strengthening the relationship between e-IRG and the European Commission, and towards advancing the role of e-IRG in the strategic coordination between RIs and e-Infrastructures.

- 16. January 2023
e-IRG Communiqué on the e-IRG Workshop under Czech EU Presidency
The e-IRG Workshop organised in the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the Union was implemented on 12.-13. December as hybrid event in Prague and online. The Workshop continued the long-standing insightful accomplishments of the e-IRG Workshop series. The Workshop series addresses important and relevant topics concerning the European e-Infrastructure landscape, the interconnection of e-Infrastructures themselves, as well as to Research Infrastructures. The e-IRG Workshop is not only an instrument for e-IRG to explore specific e-Infrastructure topics in depth, but also aims to provide views and opinions on topics expected to have an impact on the future developments in the European e-Infrastructure domain and beyond. The Workshop under the Czech EU Presidency had four sessions addressing the i) interconnection, coordination and cooperation of European e-Infrastructures, ii) the energy crisis and its impact on e-Infrastructures, iii) the interconnection of the European Data Infrastructure and the Common European Data Spaces and finally iv) the Interlinking and interaction between data, publications and persistent identifiers.

- 14. December 2022
71st e-IRG Delegates Meeting
The 71st e-IRG Delegates meeting took place on 14 December 2022 in a hybrid event in Prague. The topics discussed were amongst other things the handing over of the chairmanship to Stefan Hanslik, an outlook on future e-IRG activities, as well as next steps for the finalization of the e-IRG Wihte Paper 2022.

- 12-13 December 2022
e-IRG Workshop under Czech EU Presidency
The e-Infrastructure Reflection Group (e-IRG) organises two open workshops every year, each under the auspices of the corresponding EU presidency. During the last years, the e-IRG Workshops have been organised as virtual events due to the Covid-19 pandemic, now the e-IRG Workshop under Czech EU Presidency was organised as a face-to-face event bringing together all e-IRG stakeholder in Prague. Still, remote participation was possible...

- 6. December 2022
Horizon Europe - New connections and collaborations
The 2022 EOSC Symposium in Prague offered not only a chance to catch up on everything going on around EOSC: it also provided the perfect opportunity for people working in the EOSC ecosystem to meet each other face-to-face, renewing old acquaintances and making new connections...

- 5. December 2022
EOSC-A General Assembly convenes for 5th meeting
The EOSC Association (EOSC-A) General Assembly met for the 5th time last week in an online meeting of more than 200 delegates, observers and guests. The lunch-to-lunch meeting was held 28-29 November. Day one was dedicated to procedural matters, including the election of the Association’s president and two board directors, while day two featured two interactive breakout sessions, one dedicated to each of the 13 EOSC-A Task Forces and the second to showcasing use cases from the EOSC Partnership’s Additional Activities Plan (AAP)...

- 17. November 2022
e-IRGSP7 at the EOSC Symposium 2022 in Prague
From 14-17 November the EOSC Symposium 2022 took place in Prague as a hybrid event. The e-IRG Support Project e-IRGSP7 was active in several sessions and meetings organised that week as part of the dense EOSC Symposium programme, with three of its members, Fotis Karayannis, Innov-Acts, Jan Wiebelitz, University of Hannover and Bernd Saurugger, Technical University of Vienna, including...

- 11. October 2022
Stefan Hanslik was unanimously elected eIRG Chair
Addressing the e-IRG challenges by developing an agreement on a coordinated cooperation at expert level between e-IRG and ESFRI and related Groups (EOSC, EUROHPC, etc. including the consideration of upcoming Data Spaces) by sharing expertise (of the e-IRG) and views ie. with focus group(s) on ESFRI, using the format „e-IRG Café“ and/or the implementation of TFs „Informal Liaison with the EOSC Steering Board”.

- 30. September 2022
e-IRGSP7 participated in the Horizon Europe EOSC projects coordination meeting in Brussels
On 30 September 2022 the EOSC Association (EOSC-A) organised a face-to-face coordination meeting among all EOSC-related Horizon Europe (HE) projects. Fotis Karayannis, e-IRGSP7 project director, gave a short overview of the e-IRGSP7 project, presenting its EOSC related activities supporting the e-Infrastructures Reflection Group ( and an overview of the upcoming e-IRG White Paper 2022 on the coordination among all e-Infrastructure components (network connectivity, middleware, computing, both HTC and HPC and data infrastructures...

- 22 September 2022
e-IRGSP7 presented a glimpse of the e-IRG White 2022 at the closing plenary of the EGI Conference 2022 in Prague
From 20-22 September the EGI Conference 2022 took place in Prague as a hybrid event; it’s closing plenary featured the topic of the e-IRG White Paper 2022, which is about the coordination and cooperation among European e-Infrastructures. Fotis Karayannis, e-IRGSP7 project director, gave the keynote speech of the plenary providing an overview of e-IRG activities and a preview of the upcoming e-IRG White Paper 2022 on the coordination and cooperation among all e-Infrastructure components...

- 20. Juli 2022
Save the date! e-IRG Workshop under Czech EU Presidency
The e-IRG Workshop in the framework of the Czech Presidency of the Council of the Union will take place on 12.-13. December 2022 in Prague. So, save the date!

- 20 July 2022
Communique on the e-IRG Workshop under French EU Presidency
The e-IRG Workshop under French EU Presidency was again organised as a virtual event. Having performed 4 such successful events already and capitalising on the knowledge and experience gained, it organised its fifth and most recent one under the auspices of the French EU Presidency. This workshop, following the priorities set by the EU Presidency, conducted as a series of three webinars on the development of e-Infrastructures in the European Research Area and beyond. More specifically this webinar series covered in its first session the topic “Towards a sustainable EOSC - The role of e- Infrastructures”, in the second the “Twin ‘green and digital’ transition in e-Infrastructures”, and in the third and final session the “Cross-e-Infrastructure collaboration and coordination (network, computing, data)”.
e-IRGSP7 has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Programme call HORIZON-INFRA-2021-DEV-01-05, Grant Agreement number 101057802.